30" x 36", oil on canvas, 2013 The ninth painting (although there's no real order, unless you want to infer one) in my Tournament of Shadows series, this a sort of sequel to Between Maybe and Maybe Not . Below are in-progress details in the order I painted them: Here I am reusing my photo ref previously used in an earlier watercolour, Aisha (pensive) . There are still some very bright highlights to add. Click the skull for a larger-than-life view (depending on your screen size, of course). Surrounded by the orange ground makes everything look weird and possibly warmer than intended, especially the raven. Another earlier watercolour, evade , makes a cameo. Nearly done and covering up most of my orange ground, the values of the subjects settle themselves down now and indicate that they're not weird, after all.
Milê Murtanovski's artwork...mostly paintings...and the occasional scale model.