Things are moving along more quickly since Part 1 now that I'm finally using an airbrush. It's more precise and uses less paint than rattle cans, and I can use acrylics, which means less (if any) fumes and easy clean-up. I love it! Mechanic for scale. I settled my 1/48-or-1/72 scale problem when I realized the tires would be huge at those scales. I assembled a 1/24 scale Tamiya mechanic to see how he looked alongside the roadster and that was that (despite the Revell dragster/roadster donor kits (see part 1 ) being 1/25 scale). Also, here you can see I've added an extra beefy collar around the rod styrene axle. Cockpit. Now that she's 1/24 scale, I had to adjust the cockpit accordingly by scratch-building a seat from some leftover parts and some ridged sheet styrene. I should probably add some seat belts...but I doubt I will. Tight fit. I'll be honest: that cockpit looks uncomfortably (if not unrealistically) cramped. That steering whe...
Milê Murtanovski's artwork...mostly paintings...and the occasional scale model.