each: 20" x 26", watercolour on Yupo, 2009, both in a private collection These paintings are also in my current show at The Pilot Tavern in Yorkville (see this post for venue details), which will be up through Christmas. When I shoot reference I sometimes don't know in the moment just what angle I'll use for the final painting, so I tend to over shoot and end up with more photos than I need...but I keep all my photos because maybe these alternate angles will be used one day as part of the series...or in a completely different way. And so it is with these car paintings; walking or riding my bike around Toronto, I often stumble upon a great old car and, if I'm lucky and have my camera with me, I'll get some quick shots. Obviously, I'll shoot the front and make sure I've got the "face" well documented, but sometimes these beauties have really nice back ends and some even have fancy fins --which I love, but are very rare around ...
Milê Murtanovski's artwork...mostly paintings...and the occasional scale model.