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Showing posts from July, 2020

Margaret Meehan

Margaret Meehan 17" x 14", oil on Bristol board, 2020 Continuing my portrait series of my favourite SCTV characters, here's my rendition of the brilliant Catherine O'Hara as high/night school quiz show contestant Margaret Meehan, who has a frustrating tendency ro answer the questions (always incorrectly) before host Alex Trebel (played by the equally brilliant Eugene Levy) is finished asking them. Here's the time lapse video of me painting this precocious contestant:

Adept at Adaptation

Adept at Adaptation 28" x 18", oil on canvas, 2020 Like a number of recent paintings, this one's also based on decades-old photo reference, but one I hadn't looked at in years and never attempted to paint until now. I think it turned out better than I imagined when my friend, Janet, and I shot it back in the mid-'90s. Plus I feel the tiger companion really helps underscore the sense of strength and resilience I wanted to convey.  Early concept sketch. I had Janet in mind when I sketched this at work (at The Shopping Channel –on the back of a "flow sheet" for a dinnerware show) –that's why it's stapled in my sketchbook. I should have followed my sketch when I was posing her arms for the photo –they're more dynamic in the sketch. I guess, realistically, her hair would be much longer if she was out in the wilderness, but I liked her short haircut in the source photo so I kept it here. Who knows...Maybe the tiger's a really good stylist. Here...


Toro 24" x 18", oil on canvas, 2020 After more than 20 years and three paintings based on this model miming bull horns with her fingers (below), I've finally paired her with a bull. Who's mad now? Abdicate 17" x 14", oil on Bristol board, 2020 Mad 22" x 15", watercolour, 1998 Easy as Pie 40" x 30", oil on canvas, 2007 private collection The painting above is (obviously) an abstracted version of Mad . Here's a time lapse video of me painting Toro :