22" x 15", watercolour, 2000, private collection
This is the painting that's in the top left of this painting.
This one's made up of three separate photographic elements: the background of sunflowers, the model, and the still life in the foreground. I specifically chose oranges only for their similar colour to the figure and background, and that camera, a Kodak Duaflex IV, is one of my favourite props and turns up from time to time with different models and in different settings.
The Sunflowers series was named in two parts: the Latin name for the sunflower and parenthetical aviation code to distinguish the individual paintings (although in some places R is "romeo"). I did the whole alphabet (26 paintings) with a 27th, Corona Solace (omega) yet to be completed (the different spelling is deliberate...and, although not part of the aviation code, "omega" still ties in to "alpha").