Aisha with Camera 2
22" x 15", watercolour, 2008, private collection
That's right: you've seen this painting before.
I'm reposting it as it has been chosen to be in the 84th Annual Open Juried Exhibition of the CSPWC/SCPA (The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour / La Société Canadienne de Peintres en Aquarelle) at the Leighton Art Centre in Calgary, Alberta.
The exhibition runs from 5 September to 24 October.
Only 63 paintings were accepted out of over 300 images that were submitted.
I'm honoured to be part of this show. This painting is being framed as I type and will be ready for shipping this weekend.
Leighton Art Centre, 7160 Fisher Street SE, Calgary, Alberta, T2H 0W5