The Rolling Pin Variations acrylic on Bristol board, 17" x 14", 2008 all paintings are in various private collections The title of this blog post refers to Truffaut's classic film of the same name, ties in nicely with the content of this series, and is also a sly reference to the fact that this is my 400th post . In fact, these paintings were done in the summer of 2008, a few months after I started this blog. I wanted to try some "action-oriented" paintings and had my friend Kimwun Perehinec come over for a photo shoot to swing around a rolling pin and other kitchen implements. These experimental works are part of my (sort of open-ended and ongoing) Kitchen Warfare series, of which these three watercolours are my favourites. I'd like to try these again one day using watercolour on Yupo (like the ones linked above) since I seem to better capture a sense of action and movement in that medium. This was also the fir...
Milê Murtanovski's artwork...mostly paintings...and the occasional scale model.