This is the painting I donated to "Love Cures" at Art Center/South Florida, which contains work to be auctioned on 5 February to raise money for Band of Parents, an organization dedicated to funding research in pursuit of a cure for neuroblastoma.
Participating artists include Ray Azcuy, George Bethea, Pablo Cano, Rosemarie Chiarlone, Elisabeth Condon, Adalberto Delgado, Carlos DeVillasante, Franklin Einspruch, Priscilla Ferguson, Daniel Fiorda, Lucie Forrest, Andy Gambrell, Rebecca Guarda, Joshua Levine, Stephanie Lee-Jones, Peter Lik, Emilio Martinez, Beatriz Monteavero, Milé Murtanovski, Michele OkaDoner, Yoko Ono, Josephina Posch, Darren Price, Ralph Provisero, Brian Reedy, Carolina Salazar, Yolanda Sanchez, Carolina Sardi, Claudia Scalise, Diego Singh, Eugenia Vargas, William Wegman, Michelle Weinberg, Annie Wharton, Richard White, and Laena Wilder. There are also selections from the Martin Z. Margulies Collection.
The silent auction will take place at Miami Art Space, 244 NW 35 Street in Wynwood, at 6:30 PM on February 5, 2009.
To purchase tickets, which are $20 in advance or $25 at the door, contact Carolina Salazar at 786-395-6307 or csalazar71 at yahoo. Update: tickets are also available at eventbrite.
The photo above isn't very good (because of the heinous glare), so apologies...I did reshoot it, but those new photos got somehow lost.