I prepped two 36" x 36" canvases and began painting as I normally would with watercolours, by blocking in the shadows with violet. It didn't work and the paint just sat on the surface. I guess I didn't apply it properly and I was frustrated and impatient after waiting so long that I decided to give it up. I didn't want to waste the canvases, though, so I went to the art store and briefly considered getting some acrylics, but I really didn't like the way they dried so quickly, so I got some oil paints instead...and dove in head first.
Below is is one of those first two canvases, and it was with these that I started to rewire my brain so I could paint in this new medium (dark-to-light rather than light-to-dark).
36" x 36", oil on canvas, 2001
private collection
I experimented a bit more, getting a few more canvases to pushing myself into a brand new world (although, one I'd stepped into briefly about a decade earlier). Realizing that I could do certain things with oils that I couldn't with watercolours, I began to get excited at the prospect of adding another medium to my love of painting.
24" x 36", oil on canvas, 2001
private collection
I presented that gallery owner with those first few paintings and she was impressed and suggested I paint some more pictures focusing less on the human figure and more on interiors like in the piece above. I went to a house a couple of friends lived in and shot a few rolls of film for reference for what would become my Interiors series:
30" x 40", oil on canvas, 2001
30" x 40", oil on canvas, 2001
14" x 18", oil on canvas, 2001
48" x 60", oil on canvas, 2001
Over the years I tried a variety of approaches in oil and in 2007 I adapted several of my earlier watercolours into abstractions for my Echoes series:
15" x 22", watercolour, 1998
private collection
private collection
30" x 40", oil on canvas, 2007
15" x 11.5", watercolour, 2002
20" x 16", oil on canvas, 2007
My subject matter started to vary greatly as I became more and more interested in pushing my limits, seeing what I was capable of...
30" x 40", oil on canvas, 2009
private collection
private collection
36" x 24", oil on canvas, 2008
private collection
private collection
Oiseau 10
20" x 14", oil on canvas, 2008
private collection
20" x 14", oil on canvas, 2008
private collection
36" x 24", oil on canvas, 2010
private collection
private collection
In 2010 my wife, Krista (in the painting above), and I had moved to Prince Edward County to start Small Pond Arts and I immediately began to respond to my new rural surroundings with a large number of oil paintings which included landscapes, farms, and local farmers:
24" x 36", oil on canvas, 2010
private collection
private collection
36" x 24", oil on canvas, 2011
36" x 24", oil on canvas, 2011
private collection
private collection
36" x 24", oil on canvas, 2011
collection of the
County of Prince Edward
Public Library and Archives
collection of the
County of Prince Edward
Public Library and Archives
16" x 20", oil on canvas, 2012
I decided to celebrate my fortieth birthday by painting a self portrait depicting me as plainly as possible while having a matrix background that refers back to my very first watercolours in 1988:
28" x 22", oil on canvas, 2011
Earlier this year –my 25th Anniversary year– I embarked on a new type of oil painting journey that had me work well outside my comfort zone by painting en plein air (which I practically almost never do, preferring to work indoors from my own photo reference) for over a month for my 33 on 33 project:

Earlier this year –my 25th Anniversary year– I embarked on a new type of oil painting journey that had me work well outside my comfort zone by painting en plein air (which I practically almost never do, preferring to work indoors from my own photo reference) for over a month for my 33 on 33 project:

It was difficult, fun, challenging, rewarding, annoying, exciting, frustrating, hilarious, educational, and more...but, ultimately, I still quite prefer to be a studio painter and my current series, the Tournament of Shadows, is all the better for it:
30" x 36", oil on canvas, 2013
24" x 48", oil on canvas, 2013
private collection
private collection
Now, two-and-a-half decades later, I have three main painting media: watercolours, oils, and inks, and I choose the medium best suited to the subject matter I want to paint, so this gives me great versatility in a storytelling sort of way, so to speak...or something.
So in my love of painting I get to play in three beautiful arenas.
And I'm still learning.
Always learning.