15" x 22", watercolour, 2016
The outfit Ashley's wearing here is the same one as in Embroidering the Truth (a peasant dress from the Opera Carmen, which I had access to when I worked as a costumer for Malabar's Opera Department last decade).
Speaking of Carmen, I've painted Ashley wearing the actual and gorgeous Carmen dress several times: in a mock-up poster for the opera; a mural in a café in Picton; a monochromatic experiment in oils; my big Silver Jubilee painting; and a rather absurdly illustrative painting with elements from the opera itself.
I guess, technically, the stars should be out of focus like the background foliage because of the implied shallow depth of field...but if it's okay in a few shots in the Emperor's throne room in Return of the Jedi...
(only Palpatine should be in focus here)