And they don't
Don't know what I've seen
They can't know what's in here
And they can't keep Johnny down
–TMBG, "Can't Keep Johnny Down"Don't know what I've seen
They can't know what's in here
And they can't keep Johnny down
It's been raining for about half the days during my 33 on 33 project, but it's not getting me down, rather, it's strengthened my resolve to complete this daily exercise in spite of the challenges (most of them new to me: dealing with ever-changing light, rain, wind, bugs, waking up early, painting without a break, working fairly quickly).
So, yeah, I was painting inside my van again today, but not before I snapped a few pics of Main Street Bloomfield –moments before the rain started.
Down the path.
Today's stop and subject was the Saylor House Café, which is tucked away just down a driveway, but there is a great sign in front of the adjacent Saylor House B&B (both run by the seemingly always cheerful Susan Little), so you have no excuse for missing it.
Inside the Café.
I parked across the street so my view was perfect for looking down the drive as I tried to capture what I could glimpse of the café through all the lush foliage. Here's my Map of Progress.
Saylor House.
Bloomfield United, built in 1871.
Town Hall built in 1869.
Boxy, but appealing.
In hindsight, this building looks surprised.
The famous Saylor Block, for olde tyme's sake.
"Bloomfield Star" by Laurie McGugan.
There's a small-ish but free parking lot in town adorned by this interesting piece which looks like it's blowing in the breeze, but it's actually a fixed shape. The dedication plaque, dated 3 July 2009, states "The Bloomfield Star is derived from the classic 'Bethlehem Star' quilt design. It pays homage to our historic Quaker past while honouring our present creativity and future progress."
And here's the painting.